Environment & Safety 서닉 카지노

We are pursuing Environment 서닉 카지노 and zero-accident through systematic 서닉 카지노
and innovation placing utmost priority on the environment and 서닉 카지노.

Global Top Sustainable 서닉 카지노 Culture
Establishment of the Sustainable 서닉 카지노 Culture of the Highest Global Standard

LOTTE Chemical operates the independent environmental safety 서닉 카지노 organization
based on the OHSAS18001 서닉 카지노 and health system and is currently in the process of adopting ISO45001.
Moreover, we are strengthening voluntary environmental safety 서닉 카지노 by increasing the awareness of safety
to prevent accidents and actively carrying out the 서닉 카지노 system enhancement and employee education/training to enable quick response.
Maturation of conscious behavior,System optimization,Improvement or audit

Training to prevent disaster for each situation

  • Forced entry in case of fire from pump leakage

    Forced entry in case of fire from
    pump leakage

  • 서닉 카지노 check by Honorary Industrial 서닉 카지노 Inspector

    서닉 카지노 check by Honorary Industrial
    서닉 카지노 Inspector

  • 서닉 카지노 experience education center

    서닉 카지노 experience education center

  • Joint firefighting drill

    Joint firefighting drill

  • Education on first aid

    Education on first aid

  • Lifesaving training

    Lifesaving training

Voluntary Inspection Activities

  • Voluntary Inspection 서닉 카지노1
  • Voluntary Inspection 서닉 카지노2
  • Voluntary Inspection 서닉 카지노2
  • Voluntary Inspection 서닉 카지노3

RC (Responsible Care)

LOTTE Chemical strives to voluntarily implement six codes “process 서닉 카지노, 서닉 카지노 and health, environmental protection, transportation 서닉 카지노, community awareness improvement, emergency response, and product liability.”
In addition, we carry out social contribution programs to communicate with local stakeholders.


· The atom embodies chemistry.
· Both hands signify care and protection indispensable to the 서닉 카지노 industry.
· The green color symbolizes the environment and nature.

Emergency Response

LOTTE 서닉 카지노 operates the emergency response organization to respond effectively to various on-site risks such as fire, explosion, and gas/oil leakage.
We conduct the virtual emergency response training participated by all employees regularly to minimize damage through the quick and systematic response during an emergency situation.

  • · Operation of comprehensive disaster prevention system: Plant monitoring
  • · Establishment of automatic fire monitoring system in all plants
  • · Centralized 서닉 카지노 of vulnerable areas through CCTV
  • · Building emergency response system

Healthcare Activities

LOTTE 서닉 카지노 operates the health administration office in each plant for all employees to receive medical advice and service conveniently.
We also operate the fitness center to promote employees’ health.

  • Employee Health Promotion Activities
  • · Medical examination, supply of medicine, and diagnosis and counseling to prevent health disorders
  • · Activities to prevent occupational diseases: Identification and improvement of tasks that are vulnerable to health disorders and scientific 서닉 카지노
  • · Non-smoking campaigns and blood donation: Education on stop smoking (providing non-smoking aids and non-smoking acupuncture treatment) and encouraging blood donation
  • · MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) 서닉 카지노: Registration of MSDS generated in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act and the guidelines in the “Globally
  • Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of 서닉 카지노s” and regular education of all employees