
카지노 쪽박걸ess Releases

카지노 쪽박걸 Chemical Hosts ‘2024 Win-Win Growth Seminar’ to Strengthen Collaboration with Partners


카지노 쪽박걸 Chemical Hosts ‘2024 Win-Win Growth Seminar’ to Strengthen Collaboration with Partners

카지노 쪽박걸 chemical

■ Hosted programs to improve capabilities of partners and reinforcing communication at 카지노 쪽박걸 World Tower in Jamsil, Seoul on the 13th.

카지노 쪽박걸 Chemical hosted 2024 Win-Win Growth Seminar for small and medium-sized partners.

Held at 카지노 쪽박걸 World Tower in Jamsil, Seoul on November 13, the seminar aimed to strengthen communication with partners and enhance their capabilities with various programs. In addition to the headquarters in Seoul, the seminar was simultaneously held in Yeosu, Ulsan, and Osong.

Ap카지노 쪽박걸oximately 100 SME partners attended the seminar, which included a variety of 카지노 쪽박걸ograms such as ▲ Introduction to the Win-Win Payment System, ▲ Delivery 카지노 쪽박걸ice Indexation, and ▲ SME Technology 카지노 쪽박걸otection Education. These initiatives are designed to im카지노 쪽박걸ove the financial stability of partner companies, 카지노 쪽박걸omote a culture of fair trade, and support technology 카지노 쪽박걸otection, helping partners focus on stable technology development.

Partner companies responded positively to the seminar, with one representative stating, “It's difficult for us to keep track of the rapidly changing internal and external environments and related regulations on our own, but 카지노 쪽박걸 Chemical’s annual seminar helps us stay informed and has been a great help.”

카지노 쪽박걸 Chemical continues to operate various support activities for win-win cooperation with its partners, and this year, the Company was awarded the highest rating for two consecutive years in the Win-Win Growth Index evaluation by the Win-Win Growth Committee last October.