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슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 Chemical - 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 Fine Chemicals Cooperates in Yeosu HEC Plant Production to Expand Specialty Products


슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 Chemical - 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 Fine Chemicals Cooperatesin
Yeosu 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 Plant Productionto Expand Specialty Products

슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 chemical
[Photo]: Yeosu 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노ellose factory

■ Two representative companies of the 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 Group Chemical Unit complete construction of the Yeosu HEC (Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose) production plant and its commercial production... Expanding specialty products with the cooperative project of the two companies
- 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 Chemical secures customers for EO products and creates consignment profit model
- 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 Fine Chemical constructs basis for growth in the HEC business with stable procurement of raw materials
■ 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 Group Chemical Unit President & CEO Lee Hun Ki, “We will continue strong growth by creating high-value businesses and building a sturdy growth momentum based on our specialty material capacities, which serves as the foundation for various industries”

The two representative chemical companies of the 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 Group Chemical Unit, 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 Chemical and 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 Fine Chemical, are looking to overcome external uncertainties and create profits by expanding specialty products.

슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 Chemical announced that it completed construction of the HEC (Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose), which is the flagship specialty product of 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 Fine Chemical, in December of last year at the Yeosu Chemical Yeosu development site and began commercial production.

Through the construction of this plant, 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 Chemical is now equipped with a system to safely supply EO (Ethylene Oxide), which is a main raw ingredient of its HEC product, through pipes instead of the existing overland transportation thanks to the new plant.

EO (ethylene oxide) is a high-pressure gas and was supplied by the 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 Chemical Yeosu Plant to the 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 Fine Chemical Ulsan Plant via overland transportation, but with the completion of the Yeosu HEC plant, it has now become possible to procure raw materials and produce about 10,000 tons of HEC products. With this 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 Fine Chemical has gained the momentum to expand its specialty material business of HEC.

The completion of the Yeosu HEC (Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose) and its commercial production is a cooperative project between 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 Chemical and 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 Fine Chemical, and it is significant because 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 Chemical can create profits through the sales of EO products and consigned production of HEC, and 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 Fine Chemical gains a stable supply of raw materials, therefore making it possible to build a foundation for future growth.

슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 Group Chemical Unit President & CEO Lee Hun Ki stated, “We will continue strong growth by creating high-value businesses and building a sturdy growth momentum based on our specialty material capacities, which serves as the foundation for various industries.”

슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 is a cellulose derivative using EO (Ethylene oxide) and pulp, and it is used as an additive that offers viscosity and moisture in industrial sectors such as water-soluble paint, daily items, cosmetic products, etc.