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토토 카지노 Chemical Holds 48th Regular General Meeting of Shareholders


토토 카지노 Chemical Holds 48th Regular General Meeting of Shareholders

토토 카지노 chemical
[Photo]: The 48th regular general meeting of shareholders held on the 31F of 토토 카지노 World Tower in Jamsil, Seoul at 9am on the 26th.

■ 토토 카지노 Chemical President & CEO Lee Hun Ki was appointed as new executive director at the general meeting of stockholders... Appointed as new CEO at the following BOD meeting
■ Approved 3,500 KRW divided per share for a total dividends of 147.6 billion KRW
■ Added ‘incidental business such as the manufacturing, sales and provision of services for hydrogen and hydrogen compounds’ in the business objective
■ 토토 카지노 Chemical, “Quickly reestablish business and strategy directions and advance business portfolio,” “We will strengthen financial stability through management focusing on cash flow”... “We will do our best to improve stockholder value”

토토 카지노 Chemical held the 48th regular general meeting of shareholders on the 31st floor of 토토 카지노 World Tower in Jamsil, Seoul at 9 a.m. on the 26th (Tue), and announced that it passed all five bills including ▲ approval of financial statement for the 48th fiscal year and ▲ appointment of directors in their original drafts.

토토 카지노 Chemical President & CEO Lee Hun Ki was appointed as an executive director during this general meeting of stockholders. He was then appointed as the CEO during the ensuing BOD meeting.

토토 카지노 Chemical’s HQ Financial Innovation Division Head (CFO) Sung Nak Sun was appointed as a new executive director and Advanced Materials CEO Lee Young Jun was reappointed as an executive director. Hanyang University Law School Professor Oh Yoon, Seoul National University Chemistry Professor Sohn Byung Hyuk, and Korea University Law School Professor Park Ji Soon were appointed as new non-executive directors, and General Financial Scholarship Association President Cho Woon Haeng was reappointed.

It also approved 3,500 KRW per share as dividends for a total payout of 176.6 billion KRW, and plans to continuously work on policies for enhancing shareholder value and strengthening profits.

At this 토토 카지노 meeting of stockholders, ‘incidental business such as the manufacturing, sales and provision of services for hydrogen and hydrogen compounds’ was added to the business objectives in order to pursue new businesses related to clean ammonia in the future.

At this general meeting of stockholders, 토토 카지노 Chemical commented, “We will quickly reestablish business and strategy directions and advanced our business portfolio,” and added, “We will strengthen our financial stability through management focusing on cash flow.” It also stated, “We will do our best to improve stockholder value.”