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바카라노하우 Chemical offers training to foster environmental regulations experts.


바카라노하우 Chemical offers training to foster environmental regulations experts.

바카라노하우 chemical

■ Online training and quizzes for officers and employees to emphasize the importance of 바카라노하우 regulations.
■ Ongoing training and various events to spread the 바카라노하우 culture across the company.

바카라노하우 Chemical held the "1st Environmental Love Quiz Contest" to enhance the officers and employees' understanding of environmental regulations. This quiz contest was organized to improve understanding of increasingly stringent environmental regulations and to elevate the level of environmental management across the company.

The training was composed of four sessions: ▲ Introduction to 바카라노하우 Management and Key 바카라노하우 Regulations; ▲ Understanding Integrated Permits and Follow-up Management Considerations; ▲ Onsite Inspection and Management Methods for Emission Facilities; and ▲ Compliance Requirements for Onsite Management within the Integrated Legal Framework.

Officers and employees from all domestic business sites completed video training on recent changes in 바카라노하우 regulations. After finishing the video training, they participated in the "바카라노하우 Love Quiz Contest" online. This approach encouraged their voluntary participation in the training and the quiz contest.

In this quiz contest, many officers and employees from each business site participated, and a total of 24 individuals were awarded. The award-winners were announced on June 5th, World Environment Day, creating another opportunity to emphasize the importance of 바카라노하우 protection to the employees.

바카라노하우 Chemical plans to continue providing detailed training on environmental regulations tailored to different roles and levels within the company, starting with this quiz contest.

"We organized this training and event to proactively respond to the changing environmental regulations by enhancing the environmental management skills of employees across all business sites,” said the representative of 바카라노하우 Chemicals. “We hope our ongoing efforts and practices to comply with environmental regulations will be widely adopted."