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샌즈 카지노 사이트 Chemical–Korea SMEs and Startups Agency enter MOU for Tomorrow Chaeum Deduction for Joint Cooperation


샌즈 카지노 사이트 Chemical–Korea SMEs and Startups Agency enter MOU for
Tomorrow Chaeum Deduction for Joint Cooperation

샌즈 카지노 사이트 chemical
[Photo]: (From left) Choi Young Kwang, Head of 샌즈 카지노 사이트 Chemical's Communications Division,and
Cho Han Gyo, D샌즈 카지노 사이트ector of Workforce Development at KOSME, are taking a commemorative photo.

■ 샌즈 카지노 사이트 Chemical-Korea SMEs and Startups Agency encourage long-term employment of talented employees at SMEs in chemicals and support building their assets.
■ “The MOU with Korea SMEs and Startups Agency is another specific action to realize the value of joint cooperation,” stated Choi Young Gwang, Director of 샌즈 카지노 사이트 Chemical’s Communications Division… “샌즈 카지노 사이트 Chemical will fulfill social responsibilities and create a corporate culture for mutual growth through joint cooperation with partners,”
■ “Celebrating the 10th anniversary, Tomorrow Chaeum Deduction currently has about 850,000 subscribers as the major job creating business for workers’ assets,” said Cho Han Gyo, Director of Workforce Development, Korea SMEs and Startups Agency”… “We will constantly improve the systems and discover various public-private cooperation models to haul innovative 샌즈 카지노 사이트 and competitiveness of SMEs.”
■ 샌즈 카지노 사이트 Chemical promotes various activities for joint growth with partners… Supporting recruiting key manpower, consulting for reinforcing technical competitiveness, and operating joint growth funds for smooth funding.

In the afternoon of the 12th, 샌즈 카지노 사이트 Chemical, at the head office at Seoul 샌즈 카지노 사이트 World Tower, signed an ‘MOU for Tomorrow Chaeum Deduction for Mutual Growth’ with the Korea SMEs and Startups Agency (KOSME) to strengthen the self-sustainability of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The signing ceremony was attended by Choi Young Gwang, Head of Communications Division at 샌즈 카지노 사이트 Chemical; Cho Han Gyo, Director of Workforce Development at KOSME; and about 10 other officials. Through this MOU, 샌즈 카지노 사이트 Chemical and KOSME plan to support the long-term employment and asset development of talented employees in the chemical sector of SMEs.

The ‘Tomorrow Chaeum Deduction for Mutual 샌즈 카지노 사이트’ is a collaborative model designed to achieve joint prosperity between large enterprises and SMEs. It involves the Ministry of SMEs and Startups and KOSME partnering with local governments, large corporations, and public institutions to subsidize the savings of employees at partner SMEs, thereby reducing the financial burden on these companies and promoting joint 샌즈 카지노 사이트.

Since 2021, 샌즈 카지노 사이트 Chemical has operated a mutual growth program to support partner companies by covering their corporate contributions with the Tomorrow Chaeum Deduction. This initiative has benefited 153 key personnel from approximately 53 companies.

With this new MOU, 샌즈 카지노 사이트 Chemical and KOSME will expand their support to ▲ provide deduction contributions for mutual growth for key personnel in outstanding SMEs within the chemical sector; ▲ support ESG management transitions for companies with needs in ESG management and carbon neutrality; and ▲ actively cooperate to identify and disseminate exemplary cases of mutual growth between large and small-to-medium enterprises.

Choi Young Kwang, Head of Communications at 샌즈 카지노 사이트 Chemical, stated, "This agreement with the Korea SMEs and Startups Agency is another concrete action to realize the value of mutual growth. 샌즈 카지노 사이트 Chemical is committed to fulfilling its social responsibilities and leading the creation of a collaborative and growth-oriented corporate culture through mutual cooperation with our partners."

“Celebrating the 10th anniversary, Tomorrow Chaeum Deduction currently has about 850,000 subscribers as the major job creating business for workers’ assets,” said Cho Han Gyo, Director of Workforce Development, Korea SMEs and Startups Agency”… “We will constantly improve the systems and discover various public-private cooperation models to haul innovative 샌즈 카지노 사이트 and competitiveness of SMEs.”

샌즈 카지노 사이트 Chemical is actively engaged in various activities to promote mutual growth with its partners. The company operates several support programs, including participation in job fairs and providing hiring incentives to help partners secure key personnel.

Additionally, 샌즈 카지노 사이트 Chemical offers consulting support programs to enhance partners' technological competitiveness, along with technology protection training and environmental seminars. To facilitate smooth financial operations for its partners, 샌즈 카지노 사이트 Chemical manages a mutual growth fund worth 135 billion KRW.