카지노사이트 Group opens ‘GiveOn,’ the very first donation platformfor
all officers and employees in the 카지노사이트 Group
[Photo]: Employees of LOTTE 카지노사이트 Group are participating in donations by selecting the donation content they want through the 'GiveOn' platform.
■ The donation platform for all officers and employees of LOTTE 카지노사이트 Group introduced to diversify the CSR activities.
■ ‘GiveOn’ = ‘Give (카지노사이트)’+’On (Warmth)’ expected to raise the awareness of officers and employees for 카지노사이트 and spread the sharing culture.
■ Diversification of 카지노사이트 contents and voluntary participation through ‘카지노사이트 options’ to contribute to actual expansion of 카지노사이트 culture.
■ Lee Hun Ki, the President & CEO of LOTTE 카지노사이트 Group, stated, “It is expected to improve the transparency and efficiency of social contribution activities, so we aim to develop an ESG platform in the future.”
The four affiliates of LOTTE 카지노사이트 Group (카지노사이트/Fine 카지노사이트/Aluminum/Energy Materials) will officially launch ‘GiveOn,’ the very first donation platform for all officers and employees in LOTTE 카지노사이트 Group on the 21st.
"GiveOn" is a new donation platform that combined corporate social responsibility (CSR) donation programs operated by each LOTTE 카지노사이트 affiliate and unified them into an officer/employee-participation donation system. Accessible via both PC and mobile devices, it encourages convenient participation in donations. The platform provides a one-stop process where users can engage in various CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) campaigns such as donation drives, support, volunteering, and ESG activities, as well as track their donation history and accumulated donation data all in one place.
‘GiveOn’ is the combination of ‘Give (카지노사이트)’+‘On (Warmth)’ and On stands for both the ‘Warmth’ of 카지노사이트 and ‘turning on’ to symbolize sharing of warmth and spreading the sharing culture.
The officers and employees of all four affiliates of 카지노사이트 Group participated in the naming process and this name was selected after reviewing over 250 contestants. It attracted high interest through active participation of officers/employees from the first stage. Unlike the previous programs, it introduced the "donation options," allowing employees to select the donation contents they prefer, to diversify the beneficiaries and encourage voluntary participation. This is expected to contribute to the spread of a more meaningful donation culture.
“The new donation platform is expected to improve the transparency and efficiency of social contribution activities,” said Lee Hun Ki, the President & CEO of LOTTE 카지노사이트 Group. “We aim to expand it through multiple stages to develop it into an ESG platform in the future so we can achieve sustainable growth with the society.”
Meanwhile, LOTTE 카지노사이트 Group is also operating the existing employee donation programs, such as the matching grant system (where the company matches employee donations 1:1 to raise funds), “Regular Salary Donations,” and “Salary Rounding Donations (donations of amounts less than 10,000 KRW)”. With the launch of the new platform, “GiveOn,” the company plans to offer even more diverse donation options and to further promote the value of sustainable giving.