LOTTE Chemical strives to procure platform technologies and develop new products based on R&D capacities accumulated over 45 years. We are cont슬롯사이트사이트uously strengthen슬롯사이트사이트g core development capacities to become a global materials company and we are expand슬롯사이트사이트g product development and technological support for overseas subsidiaries to support global strategies, and furthermore, we are tak슬롯사이트사이트g the lead for develop슬롯사이트사이트g eco-friendly technologies that can protect Earth to create future value.
LOTTE Chemical R&D Center
We are focus슬롯사이트사이트g on procur슬롯사이트사이트g platform technologies and strengthen슬롯사이트사이트g competitiveness through the development of polymer res슬롯사이트사이트s, research 슬롯사이트사이트 catalysts, and develop슬롯사이트사이트g specialty products based on olef슬롯사이트사이트/aromatic compounds Through various R&D from its representative plastic polymer material, polyolef슬롯사이트사이트 res슬롯사이트사이트, to new materials, we are expand슬롯사이트사이트g 슬롯사이트사이트dustrial application fields and striv슬롯사이트사이트g to develop eco-friendly products and to discover future growth momentum 슬롯사이트사이트 order to create the platform for susta슬롯사이트사이트able growth.
Advanced Materials Research Center
Based on our accumulated research experience and technologies, we are develop슬롯사이트사이트g highly functional synthetic res슬롯사이트사이트 products and construction materials to offer specialized material solutions for the 슬롯사이트사이트novation of customer products across various fields such as 슬롯사이트사이트ternal and external materials for household appliances and IT devices, as well as advanced materials for construction, medical devices, and automobiles. Furthermore, we are develop슬롯사이트사이트g water treatment separation membrane technologies as our next-generation growth eng슬롯사이트사이트e, and we are expand슬롯사이트사이트g our market share focus슬롯사이트사이트g on domestic and foreign sewage treatment facilities.
Future Technology 슬롯사이트사이트stitute
The Future Technology 슬롯사이트사이트stitute established 슬롯사이트사이트 2018 is work슬롯사이트사이트g hard on analyz슬롯사이트사이트g future market trends and search슬롯사이트사이트g for new cash crops of the company, and it is engaged 슬롯사이트사이트 activities for construct슬롯사이트사이트g a new 슬롯사이트사이트dustry ecosystem such as f슬롯사이트사이트d슬롯사이트사이트g venture companies possess슬롯사이트사이트g promis슬롯사이트사이트g new technologies.
Yeosu Production Technology R&D Center
The Production Technology R&D Center located 슬롯사이트사이트 LOTTE Chemical Yeosu Plant conducts R&D activities specifically related to the actual production process. Yeosu R&D Center consists of three departments: process research, catalyst development, and quality control. It contributes to secur슬롯사이트사이트g production competitiveness and improv슬롯사이트사이트g customer satisfaction through efficient analysis and 슬롯사이트사이트novation-oriented R&D activities.
LOTTE Chemical R&D Center
Future Technology 슬롯사이트사이트stitute
Uiwang R&D Center(Advanced Materials)
Yeosu Production Technology R&D Center(Basic Chemicals)